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    fPOP: Footprinting protein functional
    surfaces by comparative
    spatial patterns

    by Yan Yuan Tseng, Jeffrey Chen, and Wen-Hsiung Li.

         University of Chicago

    fPOP (footprinting Pockets Of Proteins, http://pocket.med.wayne.edu/fpop/) is a database of the protein functional surfaces identified by shape analysis. In this relational database, we collected the spatial patterns of protein binding sites including both holo and apo forms from more than 40,000 structures. To identify protein binding sites, we model the shape of a split pocket induced by a binding ligand(s). Essentially, we use a purely geometric method to extract site-specific spatial patterns of split pockets as templates to match those from unbound structures. To perform an effective shape comparison, we utilize the Smith-Waterman algorithm to footprint an unbound pocket fragment with those selected from the canonical functional surfaces of >19,000 structures in the SplitPocket (http://pocket.med.wayne.edu/). The pairwise alignment of the unbound and split-pocket fragments is superimposed to evaluate the local structural similarity for detecting the unbound split characteristic through the RMSD measurement. Furthermore, we conduct a large-scale computation to systematically identify binding sites of proteins. In addition to the geometric measurements, we extensively measure the propensity of surface conservation encapsulated in the evolutionary history.(more)

    Ecology and Evolution  |  Biodiversity Research Center  |  CCBB

    by Yan Yuan Tseng

    Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department
    School of Medicine, Wayne State University


    Wen-Hsuing Li's Lab
    Department of Ecology and Evolution
    Biological Sciences Collegiate Division
    1101 E 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637
    The University of Chicago